Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 23 August 1907
Horticulture at Hickleton
Lady Halifax Presents the Prizes.
The Hickleton Main Floral and Horticultural Society, with an enthusiastic secretary in the person of Mrs. Dalton, of Hickleton Vicarage, is justifying its existence as an instrument of local culture in the arts of flower, fruit, and vegetable growing. For its ninth annual show, held yesterday, at Goldthorpe, the weather was in none too kindly a mood, but this is no new experience for the society.
Prizes to the value of £22 were given, and the entries reached average dimensions. Considering the season, the exhibits reached a good class of quality, although hardly up to the standard of previous years. The attendance was encouraging, and musical entertainment was provided the Doncaster Volunteer Band, and Mr. G. Burton’s Bohemians.
In the absence of Lord Halifax. Lady Halifax presented the prizes. In acknowledging a vote of thanks, she expressed her gratitude the Rev. J. and Mrs. Dalton for having again given her the opportunity of being present that day to give away the prizes. The fact that many of the successful competitors were strangers to her showed that the radius of the society was enlarging, and that the spirit of emulation was abroad. She wished the society even greater success in the future.
Mrs. Dalton, replying a similar compliment, urged the people of Goldthorpe take increased interest in the society.
The following are the awards: —
Cottage Garden Section.
Broad beans: 1, J. Elwell; 2, B. Smeaton.
Cabbage, white: 1, F. Creaser; 2, M. Jenkinson; 3, G. Crofts.
Cabbage, Red: 1, H. Andrews;. 2, M. Jenkinson.
Russian eschalots: 1, Crofts; 2, H. Cutts, English : 1, Crofts; 2, Cutts.
Spring onions. 1, E. Heptinstall ; 2, B, Smeaton.
Autumn. 1. Smeaton; 2, Heptinstall.
Parsnips: 1, Smeaton; 2, Crofts.
Carrots; 1, Crofts; 2, Smeaton.
Peas: 1. J. Woodruff; 2, Smeaton.
Parsley : 1, J. Elwell; 2, H. Webster.
Celery, red : 1, H. Webster; 2, Crofts. White: 1, H Webster; 2, Cutts.
Leeks: 1, Croft: 2, Woodruff.
Lettuce: 1, Crofts; 2, Woodruff.
Vegetable marrows: 1, F. Creaser; 2. Crofts.
Radishes; 1, Webster; 2, Creaser.
Runner beans; 2, Crofts.
Cauliflowers: 1, Creaser; 2, J. Elwell.
Turnips: I. Crofts; 2, O. Hough.
Beetroot: 2, M. Jenkinson.
White kidney potatoes: 1, E. Heptinslall: 2, G. Crofts; 3, G. Hepinstall.
White round potatoes. 1, Smeaton; 2, B. Heptinstall.
Coloured kidnevs: 1, E. Heptinstall ; 2, H. Heptinstall
Coloured round : 1, Crofts: 2. Webster.
Fruit-Red currants: 1, E. Heptinstall; 2, P. Heptinstall.
Gooseberries, red: 1, P. Heptinstall; 2, H. Heptinstall.
Gooseberries Green: 1, E. Heptinstall; 2. P. Heptinstall.
Plums, light: 1, Smeaton; 2, Newton.
Dessert apples: 1, J. Woodruff; 2. H. Webster.
Baking: 2. Smeaton ; 3, Woodruff.
Tray of vegetables: 1. G. Crofts; 2. H. Jenkinson.
Tray of vegetables, eight kinds: 1. W. Wing.
Allotment Holders’ Section.—
Broad beans : 1, W. Hale: 2, W.Wing.
Cabbage,white: 1. W. Wing: 2, Fletcher.
Red beans.; 1, G. Parkinson; 2, T. Fleteher.
Parsnips: 1. Parkinson; 2, Fletcher.
Spring onions: 1, G. Shephard (autumn); 2, Fletcher; 3. Shephard.
Carrots: 1, Wing; 2. Parkinson.
Parsley: 2, Wing.
Peas ; 1. Wing; 2 C. Bullas.
Red celery 1, A. Watson; 2. Parkinson.
Lettuce; 1, Wing; 2, Fletcher.
White round potatoes: 1, Hole: 2, Shephard.
Coloured round: I, Fletcher: 2, Shephard.
Kidney: 1, O. Bullas; 2, Fletcher; 3, Parkinson.
Open.—Double dahlias : 1, H. Cutts.
Dahlias (anv kind): 1, Cutis; 2. Webster.
Asters: 1, Webster; 2. Crofts.
Stocks: 1, Woodruff; 2. Elwell.
Pansies: 1, Webster; 2, Cutts.
French marigolds: 1, Webster; 2, Cutts.
Carnations: 1, Woodruff; 2, Crofts. 2, Webster.
Roses ;1. P. Heptinatall. Calceolarias (yellow); 1 W. Newton (dark); 1. Webster.
Collection of flowers (any kind except roses): 1, C. Hough ; 2, J. Shephard; 3, M Jenkinson.
Special Prizes.—Best loaf bread 1, Mrs. Tee; equal 2. A Elwell and Mrs. Andrews; 3, Mrs. Brookes. Bouquet, flowers grown out doors ; 1, Webster; 2, H Heptinstall; 3, Wood.