Home Places Choirs and Bands Thurnscoe Harmonic Male Voice Choir – Perfectly Astonishing Performance

Thurnscoe Harmonic Male Voice Choir – Perfectly Astonishing Performance

November 1947

Nottingham Journal – Monday 17 November 1947

Praise For East Midland Singers
High Standards at Nottingham Festival

Performances of an exceptionally high standard drew enthusiastic praise from the three adjudicators at Nottingham Musical Festival in the Albert Hall on Saturday night, and one exclaimed: “What a lot of beautiful voices there are in Nottingham.” This compliment came from Miss Helen Henschel. while Dr. Sydney Northcote said earlier: To-night I’ve heard one of the finest choral classes I’ve ever encountered in my life.”

Dr. Northcote was referring to four first prize-winners who were competing for the “Nottingham Evening News Challenge Cup.

For “a perfectly astonishing performance” he awarded the cup to a choir of miners, the Thurnscoe (Yorkshire) Harmonic Male Voice Choir, remarking that the Amy Capenerhurst Singers of Leicester, were only slightly behind