Home Industry and Commerce Council & Government They May Be Miners M.P. In The Future

They May Be Miners M.P. In The Future

July 1950

South Yorkshire Times July 22, 1950

They May Be Miners M.P. In The Future

Five miners’ leaders from this part of the county are among the 11 men elected by branches of the Yorkshire Area of the National Union of Mineworkers for the Union’s Parliamentary candidates’ panel.

In the event of the resignation or death of a Yorkshire Labour M.P., Divisional Labour Parties will be asked to choose a candidate from this list, and if a N.U.M. candidate is selected the Party will have the financial backing of the union in the election.

Elected from 58 candidates for appointment on the panel are the following from South Yorkshire:

Coun. J. T. E. Collins (Denaby); Mr. H. Needham (Frickley); County Coun. A. Beaney (Hickle-ton); Coun. G. A. Laister (Rockingham); and Coun. E. Wainwright (Darfield).

Also elected were: Mr. A. Roberts (N.U.M. Area Officer), Mr. G. W. Kenny (Thorne), Mr. S. Schofield (Glasshoughton), Mr, T. Baynham (Bullcroft), Mr. J. Clark (Yorkshire Main) and Mr. T. S. Dawson (Rothwell).

Brief biographical details Include:

Coun. J. T. E. Collins (Denaby)

Secretary Denaby N.U.M., branch and checkweighman at Denaby Colliery. Member of Conisbrough Urban Council, of which he is “father,” and former member of the West Riding County Council.

County Coun. A. Beaney (Hickleton)

President of Hickleton Main N.U.M. branch. Last year’s chairman of Dearne Urban Council, of whose Law and Parliamentary Committee he is chairman. Represents district on West Riding County Council. Has broadcast on mining.

Coun. G. A. Laister (Rockingham)

Checkweighman at Rockingham Colliery and N.U.M. branch secretary. Awarded B.E.M. three years ago. Member of Hoyland Urban Council, of which he is a former chairman.

Coun. Edwin Wainwright

is 41 and a coal filler at Darfield Main Colliery, where he has worked for 26 years. He is secretary of Darfield Main N.U.M. branch and chairman of Wombwell Labour Party. For the past 12 years he has been a member of Wombwell ‘ Urban Council and has served a period as chairman. He is also a governor of Wath Grammar School and Wombwell Modern School.

Coun. Herbert Needham

Doncaster Road, South Elmsall, is a native of Castleford. He has been a miner at Frickley Colliery since 1925 and is the N.U.M. branch delegate. He is a member of South Elmsall Parish Council. Last January he was awarded the B.E.M. in the King’s New Year honours.