September 1960

South Yorkshire Times, September 24th 1960

Visit to Canada

Recently returned from a visit to the home of their only son, Jack, and his wife, Louie, in Vancouver, Canada are Mr. and Mrs. S. Eades of 96, Doncaster Road, Goldthorpe.

Speaking of Vancouver, Mrs. Eades described the buildings as “simply, wonderful,” and said she was very impressed by the kindness of its people. Mr. and Mrs. Eades left on June 9th in the Queen Mary for New York and returned home aboard the Colorado Star on July 30th, arriving home on September 13th.

Their son and daughter in law left England six years ago to live in Canada, Mr. J. Eades obtained a post in the Police Force. They are at present proprietors of a hotel in Vancouver.

Mr J. Eades was formerly employed as an electrician at Hickleton Main Colliery.