Home Events Soldiers – Hooks, Watkinson, Wilson, Southall – All Killed

Soldiers – Hooks, Watkinson, Wilson, Southall – All Killed

July 1916

Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 29, 1916

Private G.W. Hooks

Mr & Mrs Hooks have now received official confirmation that their son Private G.W. Hooks, was killed in action on July 3rd

Lance Corporal Watkinson (K.O.Y.L.I.)

Mr and Mrs Watkinson, of Shepherd’s Lane, Thurnscoe, have received news that their son, Lance Corporal Watkinson has been killed, but no official intimation is yet to hand.

Private Ed Wilson (Rifle Brigade),

only son of Mr & MRs William Wilson, of 12 George Street, Thurnscoe East, died of wounds on July 1st.

Private W Southall (West Riding Regiment)

Mrs SDouthall of 14 Queen Street, Thurnscoe, has received a letter ferom his officer, telling her that her husband has been killed.

Private Southall was a stretcher bearer in the West Riding Regiment. The office states rthat he was an excellent soldier. He has bween buried in a little cemetery just behind the lines. He leaves a wife and three young children.