Home Industry and Commerce Council & Government Concrete Road from Thurnscoe to Great Houghton

Concrete Road from Thurnscoe to Great Houghton

January 1928

Mexborough and Swinton Times January 27, 1928

Concrete Road from Thurnscoe to Great Houghton

View of a section of the new road from Thurnscoe to Great Houghton, passing through the new housing estate of the Thurnscoe Urban District Council.

The road is of concrete, and is a first-class example of this, the most modern, form of road construction. It has been inspected by highway surveyors from over a wide area.

The road, and subsidiary roads, were commenced about 18 months ago. and 43 men had been employed continuously. The road has an area of 26,064 yards, and it has cost Practically 10s. a square yard.

The main road has a carriageway 24 feet wide and is of eight inches thick. The subsidiary roads are six inches thick, and have a carriageway of 18 feet.