Home Industry and Commerce Council & Government Dearne Urban Council – Mr Edward Cartledge

Dearne Urban Council – Mr Edward Cartledge

April 1938

Mexborough and Swinton Times April 1, 1938

Mr. Edward Cartledge (Independent), of 23, Shepherd Lane, Thurnscoe, has been successful in his first attempt to represent Thurnscoe on the Dearne Urban Council. Although he has lived in Thurnscoe for more than 40 years, he is actually a Derbyshire man and was born near Chesterfield. For over 37 years Mr. Cartledge was an official of Hickleton Main Colliery and was formerly an under-manager, but a Colliery accident compelled him to retire.

He is in his eleventh year as a representative of the Hickleton Main underground workers on the Mexborough Montagu Hospital Board and he is also secretary of the Hickleton Death and Medical Fund. He is a regular attender and sidesman at St. Hilda’s Church, Thurnscoe East. Mr. Cartledge told our representative that he was not interested in politics and that he was not an adherent of any party.