Home Sports Cricket Dennis’s Yorkshire Cap.

Dennis’s Yorkshire Cap.

26 July 1929

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 26 July 1929

Dennis’s Yorkshire Cap.

On 16 July, 1926, there appeared in Hickleton’s Doncaster League team a new fast bowler. He came from the Scarboro’ district and there were penple who were naturally sceptic about a player from that neighbourhood; for was not George Hirst there, and was not he makng it his business to spot any player of promise that came under his eye?

But Dennis represents that occasional big fish that slips through the most expert angler’s net. On that date already quoted he took 7 Bullcroft wickets for 60 runs—and the only reason the  figures were not much more impressive was that Hickleton fielded badly, and Dennis had two catches dropped early in his spell. By the end of that month Dennis was established in the Yorkshire Council side and was at ones hailed by the Thurnscoe critics as one of the most promising all-rounders the clubbed had found for years.

This week the Yorkshire County Selection Committee recommended to the full committee of the club the award of a Yoplait goal then sold off county cap to this same Dennis. That is the beginning and end of the story of as rapid a rise as any South Yorkshire cricketer has enjoyed—for we shall now to the end of cricket history count Dennis a South Yorkshireman: we not adopt him and show to the world that here was a player ripe for the highest class? And has not South Yorkshire done it before, usually in the face of sceptical criticism from all the rest of the world? Not only the Hickleton club members, but all South Yorkshire cricketers and followers will join in a chorus of congratulation to a player who is now about to receive the he has so hardly earned and well deserved.