Ex-Councillor’s Death.

March 1940

Mexborough and Swinton Times March 16, 1940

Ex-Councillor’s Death.

One of Thurnscoe’s best known Trade Union officials, Mr. William Henry Mabin, of 8, John Street, died on Monday.

Mr. Mabin, who was 67, was employed as a surface worker at the Hickleton Main Colliery, and for nearly forty years he had been the able and conscientious president of Doncaster Number 5 Branch of the National Union of General and Municipal Workers. For twelve years he was a member of the old Thurnscoe Urban Council, from which he retired shortly before the amalgamation with Bolton Urban Council, and he was chairman in 1933.

At the time of his election he was described as a man who possessed the ideal temperament for chairmanship. He was also a member of the local Education authority at one time, and did much good work.

A widow and three married daughters are left. The funeral will take place at Thurnscoe to-day (Friday) following a service at 2-30 p.m. in the Central Hall Methodist.