Home People Residents Guitar Group Await News of Radio Chance

Guitar Group Await News of Radio Chance

January 1960

South Yorkshire Times, January 9th, 1960

Guitar Group Await News of Radio Chance

Thurnscoe’s guitar group the Tremolos, recently took a big step toward achieving the ambition – to make music their living – when they made a trip to a Leeds hotel where television personality Hughie Green was holding auditions for his Radio Luxembourg show “Opportunity Knocks.”

“There were over 100 other acts there,” said 21-years-old guitarist Jimmy Ford. They had to wait five hours before playing, he said, but all the waiting turned out to be worthwhile, because a letter has arrived to tell them that they passed the audition. “We are now waiting for another letter to tell us when we have to play on the programme.” said Jimmy.

A welcome return to the group recently was that of 22-years-old Steve Molyneaux (picture) from National Service. As vocalist, he was with the group when it was formed, but Army service prevented him from practicing with them. He has now completed his service, and is a firm favourite with young people in the Dearne Area.

The group, consisting of guitarists Jimmy Ford and Don Morris, drummer Ronnie Marsh, and vocalist Steve, are now billed as “Little Stevie and his Tremolos,” and Steve, who works on the new Doncaster by-pass, has written his own song entitled “Baby’s Rock.”