Home Industry and Commerce Mining Hickleton Colliery Deadlock.

Hickleton Colliery Deadlock.

July 1907

Leeds Mercury – Thursday 18 July 1907

Hickleton Colliery Deadlock.

A curious situation has arisen at the Hickleton Main Colliery, and one that will mean heavy financial loss to the colliery company. The crank pin of one of the engines at No. 1 shaft broke, and has caused a stoppage to that shaft, so that No. 2 shaft is being worked night and day.

The lads yesterday morning refused to descend No. 2 shaft, arguing that in case of accident to No. shaft there were no means for raising them the surface. In case of emergency, however, it pointed out, the single engine at No. 1 shaft could be worked.

This deadlock means very serious financial loss to the colliery company, for trade is so brisk that they have demand for every bit of coal they can draw, and they draw over 3,000 tons day.