Home Sports Cricket Hickleton Main C.C. – Opening of the New Pavilion.

Hickleton Main C.C. – Opening of the New Pavilion.

May 1907

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 17 May 1907

Hickleton Main C.C.
Opening of the New Pavilion.

Yesterday saw the new pavilion, erected a cost of over £300, and generously given the club by the Hickleton Main Colliery, opened on the Hickleton cricket ‘ground, not with speeches, but with an attractive match, Hickleton v. Mr. J. H. Kelley’s (Wath) team.

Hickleton had the assistance of E. Wainwright the old Yorkshire cricketer, Tait, of South Kirkby, G. S. Marples, and J. Brown, Sheffield, whilst Mr. Kelley’s side was made up by representatives of the Wath, Mexborough, Swinton, Denaby, and Rotherham clubs. Though the weather was dull and cold, the attendance of spectators was distinctly encouraging, among those present being Mr. J. H. Kellev, Mr. W. Wilde (president of Hickleton club), Mr. S. Hardwick (hon. sec.), the Rev. T. T. Taylor, a foremost patron of the chib, Mr, A. Badger, and others.

The new pavilion is of picturesque design, and adds to the beauty of the splendid field, the home the Hickleton club, where the wickets are said to be “second to none in South Yorkshire.” The developments to the present prosperity are surprising considering the little beginning of 14 years ago, but the club owes much to the Colliery Co., the Rev. T. T. Taylor, and that energetic and loyal worker, Mr. S. Hardwick.

Yesterday, despite the absence of sunshine, the marked enthusiasm augured well for the future prosperity of a club, that has already won the Mexborough League championship four times. With such a handsomely-apportioned enclosure, and good players at command, it is to be hoped that the necessary amount of public support will be readily forthcoming.

The new pavilion has dressing-rooms for both the home and visiting team, a large central hall, lavatories, and a scorer’s room “up aloft.”

Yesterday the Rev. T. T. Taylor kindly offered to give chairs for the furnishing. , After the match, at the invitation of the committee, the teams and friends sat down to a meat tea at the Butchers’ arms hotel Thurnscoe.

Score; Hickleton Main 121   Mr. J. H. Kelley’s Team 75 for 7 73