Home Sports Cricket Hickleton Main New Pavilion

Hickleton Main New Pavilion

May 1907

Barnsley Chronicle, etc. – Saturday 25 May 1907

The handsome new pavilion of the Hickleton Main club was formally opened on Thursday week by the playing of match between the “Mainers” and team got together by Mr. J. H. Kelley, of Wath.

The homesters had the assistance of Ted Wainwright, the old Yorkshire stalwart, Tom Tait, of South Kirkby, and J. Brown of Sheffield, while Mr. Kelley’s team was drawn from Wath, Mexbro’, Bwinton, Denaby, and Rotherham.

After pleasant afternoon’s cricket the teams and friends had tea at the Butchers’ Arms Hotel, Thurnscoe. The new pavilion, which has been presented to the club by the Colliery Company, has cost £300, and comprises dressing rooms, central hall, lavatories, and scoring room.

The Rev. T. T. Taylor, who takes warm interest in the club, has promised to give chairs for the furnishing. With so many things in its favour Hickleton cricket should more than maintain the high standard set in previous years.