Miner Collapsed & Died

April 1942

South Yorkshire Times, April 25, 1942


At a Thurnscoe inquest on Monday the Doncaster District Coroner (Mr. W. H. Carlile) returned a verdict of “Natural causes” on Squire Davenport (61), of 21, Lancaster Street. Thurnscoe, who collapsed and died at Hickleton Main Colliery on Monday.

John Wilson, collier, of 70. Barnsley Road, Goldthorpe, said he did not see Davenport knock his head on the roof, and Ernest Mills, another workmate said he did not see Davenport knock himself in any way.

Dr. P. Milligan, pathologist, said that when he examined the body he found considerable arterial degeneration, especially advanced in the arteries.

Death was due to coronary atheroma.