Home Industry and Commerce Mining Mines Managers’ Certificate

Mines Managers’ Certificate

March 1939

Mexborough and Swinton Times, March 3, 1939

Mines Managers’ Certificate

Two young Thurnscoe men, both aged 26 have been successful in gaining first class Mines Managers’ certificates awarded in an examination held at Sheffield University in November.

They are Mr. Edward Hoyle of 21, Deightonbv Street, and Mr George Teece of Low Grange Road.

Mr. Hoyle, who is a deputy at Hickleton Main Colliery, has been studying at Barnsley Technical College for seven years. He gained a second class certificate in 193G and was successful in the first class examination “at the first time of asking.”

A native of Dodworth, he worked in the mines for 12 years, at Dodworth, Sledbroook Colliery (near Holmfirth), and at Hickleton. He told a “Times”   reporter that only 51 first class certificates have been awarded in England and of the winners 19 had been  at Sheffield University. Three of the men attending the Barnsley College gained certificates.

Mr Teece comes of a family which have lived in the Thurnscoe district for generations. His great grandfather and his grandfather helped to cut the first sod preparatory to the sinking of the Hickleton Main shaft and his father and brother are both still working at the pit. Mr. Teece himself has been a mineworker ever since leaving school. He attended the mining classes at the Thurnscoe Evening Institute for two years and then transferred to the Mexborough Mining School. Five years ago he transferred to the Doncaster Technical College and he still attends there.

He started pony driving at Hickleton at the age of 14 and passed through the various grades in the pit before being appointed shot firer in the Parkgate seam 2 ½ years ago. He gained his under-managers certificate at the age of 23 and he was appointed a deputy at the early age of 25. He has been in the colliery rescue team for five years and is now captain of the No. 1 team.