Home People Residents Old Boy of Thurnscoe Hill School – Chatted with “Monty”

Old Boy of Thurnscoe Hill School – Chatted with “Monty”

April 1947

Mexborough and Swinton Times, April 26, 1947

Chatted with “Monty”
Old Boy of Thurnscoe Hill School

One of the men with whom Field Marshall Montgomery spoke on his Northern command tour on Monday was captain (quartermaster) William Harris who is stationed at Pollington.

It was a particularly interesting occasion in that captain Harris who is in the first Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment, was a sergeant the same brigade as “Monty” in Egypt 1931.

Eldest boy of a family of five boys and two girls, Capt Harris, son of Mr and Mrs G Harris of 4, Horsemoor Rd, Thurnscoe West, has been in the army ever since he left Thurnscoe Hill Modern School at the age of 17.

Now 44, he has done a good deal of travelling about during his Army career. He has been in Burma, Jamaica (1930), Cyprus, India (at the time of the Quella earthquake, and again four years ago) and Egypt.

When he was in Egypt he met and married his Staffordshire wife in Cairo. She was governess to the officers’ children and later, when married, became a nurse in India.