Home People Residents President of Yorkshire Council of the NFRN

President of Yorkshire Council of the NFRN

March 1934

South Yorkshire Times, March 2nd, 1934

President of Yorkshire Council of the NFRN

Mr. E. Hollingsworth, newsagent, of 39, Chapel Street, Thurnscoe, was honoured last week-end by appointment to the Presidency of the Yorkshire District Council of the National Federation of Retail Newsagents.

For six years Mr. Hollingsworth has been president of the Barnsley branch and this later appointment is a fitting tribute to valuable work on behalf of the organisation.  Mr. Hollingsworth has occupied his present shop for many years and came to Thurnscoe from Dodworth. For years he has been actively associated with the Central Hall, and was at one period superintendent of the Sunday School.

He served for three years during the war as musketry instructor, and was a colour sergeant.

Mr. Hollingsworth has been a member of the Newsagents’ Federation for some five years and has been on the executive committee for three years.  He has been chosen delegate to a conference at Skegness in June.