Home Industry and Commerce Industrial Deaths Roof Fall Caused By Bulging Tub

Roof Fall Caused By Bulging Tub

January 1939

Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Friday 27 January 1939

Roof Fall Caused By Bulging Tub

A fatal roof fall at Hickleton Main Colliery on Tuesday, caused by a bulging tub which had been broken in a previous smash and which was mistakenly coupled on to another run, was investigated at an inquest at Thurnscoe to-day.

The victim, Arthur Denton (17), haulage hand, of 20, William Street, Thurnscoe, was struck by pieces of stone from the roof when the tub knocked out a prop. He was killed instantly

Another haulage hand, Kenneth Fisher, of Hope Avenue. Goldthorpe, said that the tub was badly bulged and protruded at the side about 12 inches more than usual. He coupled the tub on to the run of empties and told Denton leave it in another place so that it could be taken out of the pit.

Replying to the Coroner, Fisher said he thought the tub would go straight past the timber. They had taken tubs down like that before. Fisher added that he did not ask the pit corporal for instructions because he was in hurry to get tubs to the drift after the delay caused by the first smash.

The Coroner, addressing the jury, said it was one of those accidents which did happen because of the human element. The corporal took care of the broken tub so far and then at the last minute failed to give instructions that the tub should not be coupled on to the other run, probably because his mind was occupied by the tubs on the road.

A verdict of Accidental death was returned