Home Events Soldiers – Porter, Davis and Chance – All Wounded

Soldiers – Porter, Davis and Chance – All Wounded

July 1916

Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 1916

Private E J Porter (Northumberland Fusiliers)

Mrs E J Porter, of South View, Thurnscoe East, has received news that her husband, Private E J Porter has been wounded in the face by shrapnel, and is now I hospital in Camberwell. He has written stating that he came out of the “big push” all right, and went into action on the Monday following, when he was wounded by a shell bursting close to him. He has been out in France over 12 months, and has a brother a prisoner of war in Germany.

Private J W Davis

who was reported as wounded and in hospital at Bury St Edmunds, has been visited by his mother and sister during the week, and they have fgound him to be seriously wounded, having his right shoulder smashed, together with a wound in thejaw.

Private J W Chance

Mrs Chance has visited her husband I hospital at Warrington and finds he is seriously wounded. He has been shot through the head, the muscle of his right arm shot away and two wounds in the thigh