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The Beer Victims.

November 1900

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 30 November 1900

The Beer Victims.

Thomas Burdin, miner, of Barmboro’, was summoned for having been drunk and disorderly at that place on the 17th last.

Police constable Lockwood said that on the 17th of the present month, at 10 PM, he was on duty in High Street Barmboro’, when he saw the defendant coming down the road, drunk, shouting, and making use of bad language. He ran into the witness, nearly knocking him down. He spoke to him several times, and had to threaten to lock him up before he would go away.

A witness was also called, will give evidence as to the defendant’s condition.

The defendant was fined 10 shillings and the costs.


John Birch, a labourer, of Mexborough, was summoned for having been drunk and disorderly at that place on the 17th inst.

PC Dobson said that on Saturday, the 17th inst., he was on duty, in company with PC Woodward in total of the road, near the defendant shouting at the top of his voice, cursing and swearing.

They went to the defendant, who was drunk, spoke about his conduct, and ordered him away.

PC Woodward gave corroborative evidence, and defendant was fined five shillings and costs


George and Charles Purdy, glass hands, of Conisbro’, were summoned for having been drunk and disorderly at Conisbro’, on the 18th against.

Charles Purdy did not appear.

PC Duffin stated that at 10:30 o’clock on Sunday night, the 18 inst, he was on duty in Doncaster Road, Conisbro’, in company with PC Thompson, when the defendant, Charles Bury, was seen, in company with his brother George. Charles was very drunk, and behaving in a disorderly manner, and wanted to fight with his brother, was also drunk. Several people complained of the language used.

They ordered Charles to go away and he went a short distance, and then came back and renewed the disturbance. They had to threaten to lock him up before he would go away.

George Purdy, who appeared was fined 2/6 and the costs, and Charles Purdy, who did not appear five shillings and the costs.


John Reece, miner, of Thurnscoe, was summoned for having been drunk and disorderly at that place on the 18th interest.

Please cancel Kelly said that on Sunday, the 18th interest at 2:40 PM he was on duty at Thurnscoe, incoming with PS Johnson, when he saw the defendant, who was drunk and staggering about the street, and making use of bad language.

The witness went towards him, and he went in the working men’s Club. The defendant remained there a few minutes, and then came out using more bad language. Witness went towards him, and ordered him away.

PS Johnson corroborated, and the defendant was fined 5s  and 11s costs.


Levi Callear, a miner, of Denaby, was summoned for being drunk at Denaby on the 17th instant.

PC Lancaster deposed to find the defendant helplessly drunk by the roadside on the date in question.

The defendant was fined 10 shillings including costs.