Home Industry and Commerce Council & Government Thurnscoe U.D.C. – Further Grant from Distress Fund – Rents Up

Thurnscoe U.D.C. – Further Grant from Distress Fund – Rents Up

December 1929

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 20 December 1929

Thurnscoe U.D.C.

Further Grant from Distress Fund

Rents Up

A further allocation of £170 for general and £67 for special distress has been granted to Thurnscoe from the Coalfields Distress Fund, but the money will not be distributed before Christmas.

This was reported at the monthly meeting of the Council on Wednesday by the Chairman (Mr Braham), and rising out of the report the Clerk (Mr J Ledger Hawksworth) complained that at a meeting of the Coalfields Distress committee at Wombwell allegations had been made that he had tried to obtain information by underhand methods. The Council and asked him to send letters to various local authorities in the district asking them if they would supply the numbers of unemployed person in their area. This he had done, and he was charged with something underhand. It was only doing his duty, and he would do that whether it offended or pleased people.

The Chairman explained that he had asked the Council to instruct the Clerk to obtain the unemployment figures in the district, because he doubted the figures given out at a meeting of Wombwell unemployed. They obtained everyone’s figures but Wombwell’s.  He thought they did right in asking for the figures, as they had had returns from someplace which they proved to be entirely wrong.

The Clerk replied that it did not matter so much about the figures. What did matter was that he was carrying out instructions, and it had been stated that he was not straightforward. “When I start doing things I that are not straightforward I want to get out of this Council and out of public business altogether. I am not going to have such charges made against me, not even by the Prime Minister,” he added.

After further discussion it was decided to demand an apology.

With regard to the grant from the Coalfields Distress Fund, it was pointed out that no application forms were available, and that it was impossible to make the distribution before Christmas, as the cheque had not come through, and there was no guarantee that the Council would receive it before Friday.

Lidgett Lane.

A letter was read from the Ministry of Health stating that with regard to the Council’s application for a loan for Lidgett Lane widening scheme, further communication would be addressed to them when the Minister heard from the Ministry of Transport.


The Medical Officer (Dr. R. Malcolm) reported that the health of the district had not been good. Influenza was prevalent, and a large number of cases with chest complications had been reported. During the month there had been registered 18 births, a rate of 20.6, and 6 deaths, rate of 6.8. The Doctor was asked his opinion of the advisability of the adoption by the Council of the Sanitary Inspector’. Order with regard to offensive trades, and upon his agreement it was decided to adopt

Railway Station Or Aerodrome?

A member asked if anything further had been done with regard to the provision of a railway station at Thurnscoe, and it was decided to again write the railway company. Mr. Turner thought it a waste of time, and suggested that before long they would have an aerodrome at Thurnscoe.

The Chairman thought they might put the matter on the agenda to come up every month. (Laughter.)


The Surveyor has been instructed to prepare a lay-out for the extension of the cemetery. Two illuminated danger signals are. to be erected at the approach to the bridge in Thurnscoe Lane.

Alternative lay-outs for the proposed widening of High Street are to be prepared by the Surveyor.

An application by a Council tenant to carry on a hair-dressing business at his house has been refused.

In consequence of the increase of the general rata for the current half-year, an increase of 3d per week is to be made in the rent of Council housese.

The Council are taking action to recover rent arrears in six cases.

Mr. G. Fardy has been nominated by the  Council as a member of the Guardians’ ,Committee.

The assessment of two shops near the Cinema have been reduced to £33 gross and £25 ratable. The question of the assessment of the Cinema has been deferred for comparison with other cinemas in the area.hen