Home Crime Domestic Wife Desertion – Thurnscoe Couple Arrive at an Amicable Agreement

Wife Desertion – Thurnscoe Couple Arrive at an Amicable Agreement

April 1913

Mexborough and Swinton Times April 5, 1913

Wife Desertion

Thurnscoe Couple Arrive at an Amicable Agreement

A charge of desertion was preferred against William Henry Horton, miner, of Thurnscoe by his wife Margaret Elizabeth Horton, of 5 , Whitworth buildings, Thurnscoe.

The complainant said she was married to defendant at Thurnscoe Parish Church, on July 8, 1912 and she lived her husband for about two months at 25 Doncaster Road, Goldthorpe. Then she went to live at Hampstead, near Birmingham, at the defendant sisters. The defendant said she would have to go out to work, and because she declined he made life unbearable. In consequence of his cruelty she left him, and went into service at Huddersfield, and remained there until the previous Saturday.

While she was at Huddersfield she had certain correspondence with her husband, and he wrote and asked her for two or 3 pounds, saying they would soon be together again. This she refused to send him.

Defendant said he was getting a house at Hampstead, and suggested her going back to him, and in consequence of that suggestion she left her place. She received a telegram from the defendant, and said he did not leave until the following Saturday. She went all the way to Birmingham, but could not find her husband, and discovered also that he had no home. He came to Thurnscoe, and her husband refused to recognise her.

The defendant said he ordered the furniture, but he could not have it. He had been promised work at Hickleton, when he would get 7/6 per day.

The Chairman: Are you willing to make a home for your wife?

The defendant: She does not want to come back.

The complainant said she did not want to go into lodgings again.

The Assistant Magistrates Clerk: Married nine months, and she has to issue a summons to make you realise that you are a husband.

The Chairman advised the other to get a house, as it would be much better for both of them. They could not have a separation order at that hour. The Bench would adjourn the case for one month.

The defendant said he would try and get a house, and he and his wife left the court together.