Editorial – Alas for France – The Bombing Begins
Mexborough and Swinton Times June 22, 1940
Alas For France
Our unhappy Ally has been struck down at our side and we fight on—alone. Yet not...
Editorial – Pawned By Petain
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 29 June 1940
Pawned By Petain
Mr. Churchill has said sufficient to indicate that the French capitulation, if not...
Editorial – Total Defence (audio)
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 20 July 1940
Total Defence
In spite of the magnanimity of Mr. Churchill's attitude to the traitors of Vichy,...
Soldier – Baillie – Assumed Missing
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 03 August 1940
A Thurnscoe soldier, Private D. Baillie (37), of 30, Deightonby Street, Thurnscoe East, has been assumed...
Soldier – Fish, Jack – Last Wrote on June 5th.
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 03 August 1940
Last Wrote on June 5th.
The family of Gunner Jack Fish, Royal Artillery, whose home is at...
Soldier – Squire H. – Was Missing now P.O.W.
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 03 August 1940
After being reported missing since May, official news that Cpl. H. Squire is a prisoner of...
Soldier – Jameson, Jack – Cheerful Gunner
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 03 August 1940
Cheerful Gunner
Gunner Jack Jameson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Jameson, of 24, Windsor Street,...
Editorial – Factors in the Fight
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 10 August 1940
Factors in the Fight
The "threatenings and slaughter ", breathed backward and forward across the North...
Editorial – Britain’s Battle Begins
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 17 August 1940
Britain's Battle Begins
The battle for local air supremacy," an essential preliminary to any" serious attempt...
Editorial – The Spell is Broken
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 24 August 1940
The Spell is Broken
An important consequence of the brilliant defence against which the air Blitzkrieg...