July 1970
Wedding – Chapman & Etherington
South Yorkshire Times, Saturday, July 4th, 1970
Miss Sylvia Chapman and Mr. Bernard Etherington (both of Thurnscoe)
who were married on Saturday at St HiIda's Thurnstoe.
Wedding – Slater & Atkinson
South Yorkshire Times, July 4th 1970
Miss Linda Slater, S.R.N., of Mexborough, and Mr. Geoffrey Atkinson, of Thurnscoe,
married at Mexborough Parish Church, on Saturday
Wedding – Chadwick & Middleton (picture)
South Yorkshire Times, July 4, 1970
Wedding – Chadwick & Middleton
Miss Marjorie Chadwick, of Conisbrough, and Mr. Jeffrey Middleton, of Thurnscoe,
married at Conisbrough Parish Church...
Thurnscoe Comprehensive School Pupils in Lake District
South Yorkshire Times, July 4th, 1970
Thurnscoe Comprehensive School Pupils in Lake District
Gilllian Robinson, Dawn Clegg and Neil Foxton looking at a section of the...