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Goods from New Factory Go To Continent and Canada

September 1967

South Yorkshire Times September 30, 1967

Goods from New Factory Go To Continent and Canada

For years the employment situation in Thurnscoe has been one-sided in favour of the male – provided he wanted to go down the pit. But now, thanks to an underwear firm from Leicester, the balance is slowly swinging the other way – and there are an increasing number of jobs available for women.

The firm Mrs G.O.Griffith and son have been in the village for some time, but it was only recently that they began to make their presence felt.

Now they have abandoned the old St Hilda’s hall they occupied three years, and branched out into a brand-new 8000 square-foot factory on the outskirts – beyond Hickleton pit on the Hickleton Road.

And the present staff of just over 50 girls is to be increased by 100% soon.

“We decided to build a new factory when we first decided to come,” said Mr R Arnold, a partner in the firm. “And St Hilda’s was a pilot scheme to see if it would work.

Civic help

“We first decided to come because of the employment situation in Leicester. Red contacts in this area, so when we decide to settle here we just got in touch with the Ministry of labour and Dearne Urban Council and they found us premises.

“They were very helpful, and but for that we might not have come into South Yorkshire.”

Article continues

A view of the G.O.Griffiths factory open at Albion Drive, Thurnscoe

Employees of G O Griffiths and Son at work in the machine room of the new premises.