Home Sports Cricket Hickleton C.C. Doings

Hickleton C.C. Doings

June 1907

Barnsley Chronicle, etc. – Saturday 15 June 1907

Mitchell Main

When are Hickleton going to finish a match? So far not one their seven engagements has been fought to definite issue, while every other club in the Mexbro’ League has already experienced both victory and defeat—a state of affairs which probably rarely obtains so early in the season.

On Saturday Hickleton entertained Mitchell Main, and by dint of steady batting topped the century by five, the chief contributors being C. Hughes (25) and T. Symester (21). Allen bowled with excellent judgment, and had the fine analysis of eight for 27.

Mitchell’s made a poor start. Washington and Lee both being sent back early, but Allen was again to the fore with a well hit 33, while  E Russell (23 not out) assisted materially in carrying the score to 70 for three, at which point time intervened.

Barnsley Chronicle, etc. – Saturday 22 June 1907

Rotherham and South Kirkby

Since last we referred to their doings Hickleton have mended their ways, for they have followed up a sequence of seven unfinished games by a couple of victories, Rotherham and and South Kirkby being the beaten teams.

The latter were discomfited at home Monday. McKenning and Cupitt succeeded in dismissing the homesters for 69, but the Kirkbyites could only muster 56 in response.

Barnsley Chronicle, etc. – Saturday 29 June 1907


The Stairfoot juniors have been doing fairly well of Late, but they fell from their high estate Saturday. Newton and Proberts, of Hickleton, obtained complete mastery over the Stairfoot bowling, and their eoorea 91 and 80 respectively enabled the visitors to apply the closure 203 for aiv. Their spell of leather-bunting must have disheartened the Ardsley men for their response was feeble in the extreme. Moore made 16, but with this exception Proberts and Trueman carried all before them, and the innings closed for 38. Don’t let oocnr again. >