Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – March 14th, 1942

Marconigrams – March 14th, 1942

March 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 14 March 1942


Over 250 in-patients and out-patients are attended to daily at the Mexborough Montagu Hospital.

Congratulations to Dearne District, which raised £93,639 during Warships Week, of which amount not less than £36,821 represented small savings.

Despite the fact that it is now illegal to waste paper, a “Times” reporter on Wednesday morning counted 38 used bus tickets round a Mexborough bus stop.

Wath, West Melton, and Newhill Allotment Societies, competing as a unit, were awarded third prize in the principal class at Rotherham Dig for Victory Show, first prize for beetroot and second and third prizes for leeks.

From next Monday the consumption of newsprint by newspapers must be reduced by 10 per cent. This can only be effected by reducing the size of the newspaper (that is, the number of its pages). or by decreasing the number of copies printed or by a combination of both. At present the “South Yorkshire Times” prints one issue of 20 pages and three of 16 pages per month. There will be no further issues of 20 pages, and one issue per month of the pages will be reduced to 12 pages.

An average of £4 10s. 1d. per head of population was invested in Mexborough during the towns Warship Week.

The institution of the Rev H. W. Quarrell as Vicar of Swinton will take place at Swinton Parish Church on April 7th.

The Right Hon. Tom Williams, M.P., is suffering acutely from rheumatism, and has been compelled to cancel all his engagements. All his friends wish him a speedy recovery.

A Ministry of Supply order makes wasting or destroying paper an offence punishable by imprisonment or a fine—or both. That is an idea of the urgency of the country’s paper position.

It is probable that Sub-Lieut. George Deal, an officer of H.M.S. Olive, the ship Wath are hoping to adopt by achieving their Warship Week target will broadcast an account of his experiences during Wath Warship Week to the Empire in the near future. Sub-Lieut. Deal has spent a week’s leave in Wath during Warship Week, in which he has given invaluable help and encouragement.

Yorkshire contributed four to the total of 40 convictions for cruelty secured by the R.S.P.C.A. during February. This total is a decline of one-third on the January figures and 33 less than In February, 1041. The February convictions consist mostly of cruelty to dogs, of which there were 11: there were 10 cases of cruelty to horses; three each of cruelty to cats and dogs; 2 each of cruelty to cattle and pigs, and 1 case of cruelty to ducks.