Home Places Schools Off To Switzerland – Five Thurnscoe Girls Make First Continental Trip

Off To Switzerland – Five Thurnscoe Girls Make First Continental Trip

May 1948

South Yorkshire Times May 15, 1948

Off To Switzerland

Five Thurnscoe Girls Make First Continental Trip

Five excited, happy girls, one aged 13 and the remainder 11, left Thurnscoe on Wednesday morning for a Whitsun Week holiday in Switzerland. All the girls are pupils at the Hill Girls’ Modern School, Thurnscoe, and, accompanied by their headmistress, Miss I. B. Grace, they were due to reach their destination in the Bernese Oberland yesterday morning.

Four of the girls are from miners’ homes. The father of the fifth is a Thurnscoe butcher.

Article continues.

Switzerland bound on Wednesday were Miss I. B. Grace, Headmistress of the Hill Girls’ Modern School, Thurnscoe, and five scholars from her school. This photograph was taken at Doncaster Central Station prior to the girls’ departure.

It was their first Continental journey.