Home World War Two Injured and Missing Soldier – Drury, Frederick Walter – Wounded In Italy

Soldier – Drury, Frederick Walter – Wounded In Italy

March 1944

South Yorkshire Times, March 18th, 1944

Wounded In Italy

Mr. and Mrs. Drury of 10, Marlborough Avenue, Thurnscoe, have received a letter from their son, Guardsman Frederick Walter Drury (23), stating that he has been wounded in Italy, but is getting on fine.

He volunteered for the Coldstream Guards in September 1940 when he was 19 and went to North Africa in December 1942. He went through the North African campaign and was in at the taking of Pantellaria and Lampedusa.

Guardsman Drury was one of the men to guard Mr. Churchill during his recent illness in the Middle East and was in the Guard of Honour at Darlan’s funeral.

In November 1942 he married he married a London girl, Miss Muriel Ong.  He went to the Hill Senior Boys’ School, Thurnscoe, and before enlisting worked at Spencer’s shop in Lidget Lane.