Home World War Two Killed Soldier – Patterson, Thomas – Soldier’s Funeral

Soldier – Patterson, Thomas – Soldier’s Funeral

April 1943

South Yorkshire Times, April 3rd 1943

Soldier’s Funeral

The interment took place on Saturday of Sergt. Thomas Patterson (33). R.A., at Thurnscoe from the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. E. Pickering, 7, Deightonhy Street, Thurnscoe East.

Sergt. Patterson died in a hospital in England as the result of wounds received in the fighting in Libya last June and was accorded a military funeral.

The Army was represented by six bearers from the R.A.V.C., and five sergeants and C.Q.M.S. Whalley. C Company Home Guard were pall bearers and 12 members of the Home Guard under Sergt.-Major Whitley formed a firing party. The Last Post and Reveille were sounded by Lieut. Leyland, Home Guard.

Sergt. Patterson enlisted at the outbreak of war and fought in France at Dunkirk. He served two years abroad. A native of Durham he came to Thurnscoe 20 years ago. He was a miner at the Brodsworth Colliery before enlistment.