Home Industry and Commerce Commercial Splendid Service During Blizzard – Newsagents Never Failed

Splendid Service During Blizzard – Newsagents Never Failed

May 1947

South Yorkshire Times May 10, 1947

Newsagents Never Failed

Splendid Service During Blizzard Commended “Times” Dinner

Tributes to the newsagent of the area for their self-denying service in maintaining unfailing delivery of newspapers, daily and weekly during the recent blizzard was paid by Mr WP Turner, joint managing director of the “South Yorkshire Times” Printing Co Ltd, at a dinner given by the directors of the company at the New Masons Arms Hotel, Mexborough last Thursday to newsagents of Mexborough, Swinton, Conisbrough, Wath, West Melton, Thurnscoe, Highgate, Goldthorpe, Bolton and Sprotborough and their wives.

Mr Turner said he would like to pay tribute to the way the newsagents had succeeded during the awful winter they had experienced – the worst in living memory – day after day, week after week, in delivering with unfailing regularity newspapers to the homes of the district.

“You have done a wonderful job of work,” Mr Turner said. “At my house I do not remember a single day when the papers were not delivered. We are a deep debt of gratitude to you and also for the devoted service you have given in helping the “South Yorkshire Time” build up our present position.”

That help had been given a very long time – 70 years next July.