Home Industry and Commerce Mining Thurnscoe’s Shocks – An Experts View.

Thurnscoe’s Shocks – An Experts View.

November 1907

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 01 November 1907

Thurnscoe’s Shocks.
An Experts View.

The alarming tremors of the earth that aroused the inhabitants of Thurnscoe on Wednesday morning have since been the topic of conversation for miles round, although the shocks seem to have been practically confined to the village itself.

The opinion of expert in mining engineering who is well acquainted with the South Yprkshire coalfields, is that there is a huge rock about ten yards from the surface known as the Shafton Rook, and the coal being got from underneath to considerable depth the earth between gradually settled, and ultimately the rock broke on Wednesday morning.

Down the pits the shocks were described as at considerable distance overhead.