Home 1700


Coal – to be Lett or Sold

Leeds Intelligencer - Tuesday 19 June 1781 COAL To be LETT or SOLD, TWO Beds or Seams of Good COAL at THURNSCOE, Eight Miles from Doncaster,...

To be Lett, (To Enter To Immediately)

Leeds Intelligencer - Tuesday 28 January 1783 To be Lett, (To Enter To Immediately) A Compleat FARM, at THURNSCOE, about an equal a distance between Doncaster...

Freehold Estate To be Sold by Auction

Leeds Intelligencer - Monday 09 October 1797 THURNSCOE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Crown Inn, in Great Houghton, in the Parish of Darfield,...

Manor of Thurnscoe

September 1779
Leeds Intelligencer - Tuesday 14 September 1779 MANOR of THURNSCOE. THE GAME within the MANOR of THURNSCOE, having been of late Years very much destroyed...