Home 1870 1959


Wedding – Cockayne & Ellis

January 1959
South Yorkshire Times, 3rd, January. Married at St. Helen's Church, on Boxing Day, were Miss Carol Cockayne (Thurnscoe) and Mr. Henry Ellis (Thurnscoe).

Wedding – Walker & Limb

January 1959
South Yorkshire Times, January 3, 1959 Miss Norma Walker (Great Houghton) and Mr. Peter Limb (Thurnscoe), after their wedding at Darfield Parish Church on Christmas Eve.

Takes Title at her First Attempt

February 1959
South Yorkshire Times, January 11, 1969 Takes Title at her First Attempt After having to be persuaded by her workmates to enter a beauty contest, Mrs...

Wedding – Shillaw & Newman

February 1959
South Yorkshire Times February 7 1959 Miss Elizabeth Shillaw and Mr Stanley Newman at Saint Hilda's Parish Church, Thurnscoe

6th Don and Dearne (Thurnscoe),”Gang Show.”

February 1959
South Yorkshire Times February 28, 1959 “Minstrels," the 6th Don and Dearne (Thurnscoe), in. this week's "Gang Show."

Motor Cycle and Light Car Club Annual Dinner

February 1959
South Yorkshire Times February 21, 1959 Guests at Thurnscoe Motor Cycle and Light Car Club annual dinner in the Thurnscoe Hotel oni Saturday.

Two Thurnscoe Boys are County Boxing Champions

February 1959
South Yorkshire Times, February 7, 1959 Two Thurnscoe Boys are County Boxing Champions Two 18 years old Thurnscoe boxers, Colin Marsden of 15 Saint Peter’s Gate,...

Diamond Wedding – Mr & Mrs Marshall

March 1959
South Yorkshire Times March 21, 1959 Sixty years of married life behind them . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall, of 7, Dane Street South,...

Thurnscoe assembly of God.

March 1959
South Yorkshire Times March 28th 1959 Thurnscoe assembly of God held a farewell tea and rally for Mr and Mrs John Shelbourne, who leave this...

Spring at Bilham House Farm

March 1959
South Yorkshire Times March 28, 1959 Another delightful token of spring… Lambs born at Bilham House farm, near Hickleton, enjoy a bottle of milk from...